Key Features:

BeFeatured Database
BeFeatured platform features content creators and influencers from all over the world.

10K+ Creators

Access a network of 10k+ validated content creators available on the BeFeatured platform.

Customized Search

Leverage BeFeatured’s search filters to find the perfect content creator by searching based on the number of subscribers, location, and more.

Outreach Tool

Reach out to influencers, make offers, and manage communications all within the platform.

Campaign Management
BeFeatured comprehensive dashboard makes it easy for brands and content creators to collaborate and communicate.

Negotiation Tool

BeFeatured’s structured platform enables brands and creators to easily negotiate fair and transparent terms.

Centralized Communication

Manage all interactions with influencers from a single, unified platform.

Payment Processing

Automate the entire payment process, from setting up payout details to tracking payment status.

In-Depth Analytics 
BeFeatured dashboard lets brand track their campaign progress such as ROI, impressions, and conversions.

Campaign Tracking

Streamline your workflow by utilizing automated campaign reporting and analytics.

Simplified Forecasting

Anticipate costs and outcomes with greater precision, making it easier to plan budgets, and set realistic targets.